Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Make your own power bars at home

This is how I make snack bars at home. The raw materials you need are walnuts, almonds, dates, sunflower seeds , dried figs and "roasted" whole chickpeas. All these you should be able to get at Costco with the exception of chickpeas which you will get in an Indian grocery store.

I keep a couple of these home made snack bars to much on during a mid day / mid afternoon snack. Or an hour before I go to the gym.

Lower calorie power bar
- Crush the roasted chickpeas into a powder using a blender or mixie (I use the Indian faithful Sumeet).
- Mash the dates into a dough like consistency. Wear rubber gloves to avoid dates getting into finger nails.
- Mix the roasted chickpeas flour and dates dough till everything mixes evenly.
- Shape the power bars into shape of your choice.

Higher calorie power bar
- Crush the almonds, walnuts (and or sunflower seeds) into a powder using a blender.
- Mash the dates (add figs if you like the taste) into a dough like consistency.
- Mix the nuts flour and dates dough till everything mixes evenly.
- Shape the power bars into shape of your choice.

One can add more stuff to the above like dried fruits like cranberries, blue berries(Trader Joes has some real cool dried blue berries), or sultans/resins

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