Monday, October 2, 2017

How stopping sugar and desserts affects your health

December end 2016. My annual blood test came up with spiked fasting glucose levels. Never before in my life had I not been normal. My doctor was concerned and asked me to stop sugar and desserts and high glycemic load foods. OK I thought. I am an engineer. I can research foods and figure this out.

Next I went out and bought myself a good glucose meter. I planned to measure my fasting sugar every morning and analyze data over the next 6 months.

Found a great repository of information on foods and their glycemic index and (more important) glycemic load.

I went and purchased low glycemic index bread (you get it in Sprouts, WholeFoods) I bought a high fiber wheat flour and started making my own tortillas(Indian Rotis).

I stopped rice, sugar, sweets and desserts. And alcohol as well. I even reduced my coffee intake from 3 cups a day to 1 cup a day. The reason being caffeine brings up the blood sugar level ! Yes I have stats to prove that.

The first thing that happens over a couple of months when you stop sugar is you start losing weight. But there is something else that happens that is amazing. I used to take blood pressure pills and on one day I randomly measured my BP. It was showing pretty low like a 100ish/60ish ! I said no way, my BP meter is possibly broken. Went to my doctor and compared his readings with mine. Similar ! OK so here was the diagnosis. The low sugar resulted in lower body weight and lower body weight resulted in lower BP. Doc asked me to stop BP medicines ! I was like - Thank God !

Idlis and Dosas are usually made with parboiled that is a lower glycemic load than white rice like basmati. So in moderation is what I would recommend...Or substitute the dough. Instead of rice make the dough out of lentils.

Now its been 10 months since my modified no rice, sugar, sweets, desserts, alcohol lifestyle. I am back to eating everything else. But in moderation.